List of Gear Need for a 12 Hour Milsim Airsoft

List of Gear Need for a 12 Hour Milsim Airsoft

How much sand CAN you lot fit in your vagina!?

Join Appointment: Feb 2008

Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)

Zack and Crom, I totally hold, but I accept some additions people need to remember. Existence upward in Canada I have witnessed more a few attitudes and behaviours in our airsoft community that are commonplace in our society. They make information technology actually difficult to host one of these games seriously.

First off, permit's talk about elitism. Elitism is an attitude and a manner of being, non specific set of instructions or dynamics. For case, but because something discludes someone from attending and event, or something doesn't cater to them, doesn't mean information technology's elitist. People have to remember that

You lot

are strictly YOUR trouble, nobody owes you shit. Example; you and your friends are planning a trip up Everest, and so your friend in a wheelchair calls you an elitist... See the result? First off all, it's impossible to understand how frusterating his life may be, but that'due south more than of a reason to live life to the fullest while you accept the use of your legs and not to live your life for someone else. So, here's how it effects airsoft; you programme a game set around '10' expanse, with '10' gear requirements, and 'x' timeframe, etc. At present someone who doesn't have the budget, the required gear, the time, the physical fitness level, or doesn't like that blazon of play style, calling you an elitist. Same shit! They can't practise information technology or don't want to, therefore you lot're an elitist. Right? Incorrect, so wrong. People need to be prepared and follow the rules, end of give-and-take. Elite and elitism are ii unlike things. Could you lot imagine a reservist calling a special forces member and elitist considering they passed the preparation, simply he couldn't for whatever reason? No I can't either.

In that location are Milsims out there that last over a week. Of course there are rest periods and food, etc, but it'southward like this; after a few hours of slumber, you get your sad ass upward, slog on your cold and wet gear, swallow some shitty food quick, then become back out there and kick ass all mean solar day, rinse and repeat. Don't go to an result if you lot aren't planning on pushing through the whole fourth dimension. No information technology isn't okay to find an excuse. I'm tired, I'1000 hungry, I'1000 sore, I'one thousand bored, I'm wet, etc, don't cutting it. Barring injury or farthermost weather conditions, information technology'southward pretty much go go go. I've seen farthermost rain storms destroy a game, I've also seen them just brand players crouch down for a flake to wait it out, but the best is when one squad puts on their ponchos to keep their gun and upper torso adequately dry out, then hits the other team using the storm every bit a surprise attack.

Let's talk well-nigh gear at present. I don't really care what you're into, but if I had some communication for yous it'd exist to purchase gear that fits you and finer works for what y'all're doing, which is airsoft. It'due south bang-up that you desire to wait like a Marine or any, but those guys article of clothing heavy gear, for long long periods, in twoscore plus degrees of heat, with a full float, existent ammo and ballistic plates. You don't fifty-fifty have one percent of the grooming, at least likely. Even if you lot are physically fit, you're however going to become way longer and be more than effective with proper gear over what looks cool to yous. My old airsoft load-out was over threescore pounds fully loaded with ammo and water, etc. I could wear that for twenty-four hours straight standing on my head. Ya know what though? Now I can become longer and be more effective with lighter, amend gear. Buy yourself proper gear and get your ass in shape. Endurance games are for athletes and those with stiff volition, that's the whole point. Button on through or be a little bitch. There's always solar day skirmishes abd there nothing wrong with that. This doesn't mean that you want to buy flimsy crap, but it does hateful that you will have to carry all of your ammo, food, h2o, equipment, etc, and you should carry it intelligently. You don't need to be conveying anything that isn't necessary. As stated higher up, every ounce adds up. Y'all demand iii liters of water and pelting gear, yous don't need ii pistols, a sniper burglarize, a ruck sack full of God-knows-what, etc. You may exist thinking now that "hey! Maybe I should go and get one of those tactical diapers, that'd solve my weight issues, right?". Incorrect! Hither'due south a base listing of what you MAY need at an endurance game; a reliable gun plus enough batteries, gas, ammo, not to mention optics, magazines, etc, to get you through. Also a reliable secondary in example you find yourself going into a pocket-sized structure or in an extremely close range engagement. You'll need enough meals to get you through the alotted time. Recall you lot burn more fuel when your playing than just day to solar day, and y'all need to stay fueled. Water is heavy and you should carry at to the lowest degree a few liters, with a programme to refill several times. Stay hydrated. You'll probable need a map of the expanse, a flashlight, NVGs if you accept them, rain or a cold layer, quality BDUs and boots, your rig and your sub-load, a hat to protect your head and neck, radio and comms equipment, a first aid kit, maybe even a helmet, your eyewear, a sling, etc, etc, etc, etc. Information technology volition all add together up to being heavy, so your gear needs to deport it comfortably and intelligently as possible.

No game goes off without a few hitches, especially the more players you take. Information technology'south upward to the players to assistance the host in keeping things running smoothly and getting the game dorsum on track. If yous don't play with sportsmanship and integrity, then things volition become south. If you surrender easily at the first sign of adversity, and so things volition become south. If all the players, admins, game hosts, etc, don't do everything reasonable to work together, and so things volition go southward. Full finish, period! I've been to so many games where players quit early, only what y'all have to retrieve is doing that unbalances the teams severely. No 1 likes getting their butts whooped, and more often than not this causes players to quit. If one squad can't regroup and work together, they are dead in the water. I've been to games where the enemy squad numbered over one-hundred players and they were boxed into a tiny area, surrounded on all sides. All of their respawns and CCPs had lineups at them, and if they permit go of the rope or took off their dead rag, they instantly got shot by about ten or 20 of the 1 hundred plus guys that had them surrounded. The game was over, no if's, and's, or but's. So what did they do? Did they bowwow out? Did they quit? Did they throw a tantrum? Nope! They surrendered. We all went back to the safety surface area shaking hands and congratulating both teams, we had laughs and told stories, and the admins reworked the game. We all got dorsum out there and had at 'er again, the other team with renewed command and doubled endeavor. I've been to games where one teams numbers doubled or more than the other squad, and a bunch of their players quit because they couldn't become organized. The smaller team kicked the hell out of them most of the time. So strong command and comms are hugely important at big games. That existence said, I don't think anyone should exist immune to attend i of these games without a reliable radio and quality headset. Non just is clear comms essential to team success, but for tracking down lost players and basic condom. Remember, if you're playing for 'x' number of hours, then you need '10' number of hours of batteries to last the whole thing.

Games upward here are not actually that strict, but people still bitch about the niggling things. One game organizer tried to throw a game that was MULTICAM versus woodland. All that had to match were your arms and legs, so teams would be easily identifiable. In that location was and so much bitching on the forums it was ridiculous. If it'due south not for you, and so don't go. Don't nag at a game host because they are not catering to you directly. Strict gear requirements are commonplace elsewhere. Also they're probably 1 of the best ways to ensure game efficiency. Personally I'd honey to take gear inspections earlier heading out onto the field. I think a lot of this stems from two areas. Firstly, nosotros don't have the population, so getting enough truthful and interested people to attend and stick it out is harder. Secondly is this attitude of entitlement that people get. You're told all your life that your opinions thing, that you're special, your schools aren't allowed to fail you anymore, etc, etc, etc. Then once yous go out into the existent world information technology isn't really like that. Grow the fuck upwards! You're simply entitled to have an opinion, it doesn't make it valid. Information technology's your own personal responsibility to prepare mentally, physically and accept the appropriate gear for a sim, no one is making easier just for you, Ya footling bitch. No one tin can make you go, so if it'southward not for y'all keep your teeth together. Moaning nearly how you lot shouldn't have to carry a radio, how you lot shouldn't have to buy specific camo, or how a game bans or limits high-caps makes you look like a large infant. It does non nonetheless, even in the slightest, make the organizer and attention players elitist.

The length of a game is totally irrelevant, from one infinitesimal to a month direct. If you're unpreparec or unwilling, it isn't for you, menstruation. This is why so many of the better games are going to invite only. Simply players who are willing to put out the bare minimum get invited back. This is too why so many large calibration events turn into railroad train wrecks. All of the bitchers, cheaters, quitters, chair-softers, etc. Take all of those players, stuff then into a cannon and fire them at a stone wall, at close range...

Mind set, attitude and intent has a huge bear upon on the games flow as well. I know myself, Brian and many others have pointed this out several times; airsoft is technically anything that involves an airsoft gun. Airsoft is a very loosely used term, kind of like milsim, but much worse. When someone says "airsoft" what exercise you motion-picture show? Well whatever it is, it's different than the guy adjacent to you. Just because it involves airsoft guns and shooting only means they have a few similarities, not that they are the least scrap the same. Let me explain. Some players want to do a role-playing kind of matter or LARP thing, for others it stops at dressing like a Navy SEAL, or pretending that they are a soldier. For others it'southward personal involvement, they apparel similar its World War 2 or Vietnam, sometimes for flavor and sometimes for reinactment. Many like to break downwardly boundaries and go into the Sci-Fi or fantasy thing, they'll go completely off the wall, or will copy their favorite movie or video game characters, dressing like a graphic symbol from Halo or something. The nearly common group stick to the Phone call of Duty or moderm armed forces stuff, etc. Not all of these groups comingle well, because fifty-fifty though they announced to be doing the same thing, they really aren't. If your mindset is too far gone, it can mess with the period or the intent of the game. Some groups meld together seamlessly, like Telephone call of Duty players and the modernistic military players, etc. Well usually anyways. There are even events that are totally open to all, and it doesn't thing how you lot play or dress. Here'due south another example; I'thousand at a game with merely over a hundred players a few years back. Everyone in that location is decked out in modern military gear for 1 reason or some other, except a few guys who are but starting out, then their gear isn't quite there nonetheless. No big deal though, it's only a half dozen hour game, and so you really only need a reliable gun, ammo, proper eyewear and footwear, etc. Anyways, it's a sea of Modern-ish military and related. During the safety speech communication this guy holds up a behemothic broadsword and asks "tin I use this!?". He may besides take been wearing a red clown suit and expecting to prance effectually the field slapping people with a huge a dildo. Everyone was stunned, similar "really dude!?". He's there to be He-Man or Conan or something, not to compete against like minded players. I myself, along with many others view airsoft as a tactical, squad based sport. I use gear and equipment that is engineered for wat I'm specifically doing and that'll aid me win, while being an constructive squad member. Now while the all-time gear is modern military gear, and of class nosotros enjoy the realism aspect, nosotros don't desire it over effectiveness. I could care less if the SEALs or Rangers habiliment the aforementioned thing. I want my gear and the players in my squad to exist technical, efficient, tactically sound, etc. If yous expect like y'all are ready to storm the beaches of Normandy, or like you're going to chase the Covenant out of Earth infinite, y'all are not these things. At that place's zip incorrect with what your doing, but it'south not the aforementioned thing and therefore should be done elsewhere with people of the aforementioned mindset, as o have washed. The fact that we both apply airsoft guns, at least to me, is as similar as a pro soccer histrion existence the same as someone in a business meeting because they both wear shoes. And so, no matter what your personal idiosyncrasies are, or what you believe, y'all must be in the right headspace for the right game or sim. Attitude and intent are everything.

I accept developed a new sport chosen Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except y'all accept to maintain an erection...

List of Gear Need for a 12 Hour Milsim Airsoft

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